The Greenhouse effect and Global warming

The Greenhouse effect the responsible of life, keep heat necessary for life as well as the gases necessary for life (oxygen) inside the atmosphere. Even althought Greenhouse effect are necessary for life, the amount of gases like methane, CFCs, carbon dioxide, of human activies, cause more the rise Earth temperature. It also impede UV rays from escaping into space. 

When this happens, then, the Greenhouse effect become on Gobal warming.

Carbon cycle and greenhouse effect — A scientific infographic

Global warming is harmful for life, is guilty of mealting poles, droughts, the extinction of plants and animals because their ecosystems are damaged. 

Global warming is a big issue which every day close bring near to extinction.

Calentamiento global: el nivel de los océanos podría aumentar dos ...

Authorities on the subject said that if mealting poles keep going, the sea level would be rise and flood the part of the Earth. 

Por qué nos debe importar el Calentamiento Global? - RM Norte

It's important to be aware of way we're harmful of the environment.


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