Environmental issues

In this post we're going to learn environmental issues.

Environmental issues are harmful consequence of human activities, like product production by big business —which are just looking for money and don't are respectful with environment—, use are means of transport, construction of cities, houses, buildings, etc.

  • Smog: Smog is air pollution, caused by burning things and using fossil fuels. Today there is so much smog because we live in the era of consumerism and the advance.

Qué es el Smog? Causas, tipos y consecuencias - ElBlogVerde.com

  • Acid rain: Is rain with a high pH level, cause of the accumulation of smog in the atmosphere for human activities.

Cuáles son las posibles soluciones de la lluvia ácida - conócelas aquí

  • Oil spill: The oil spill is caused by the release of liquid oil into the environment, especially in oceans, this have severely affects ecosystems, human and animal life.

Científicos desarrollan tecnología para limpiar derrames de petróleo

  • Toxic waste: is the realease of liquid with human waste, like feaces or unwanted substances. Is product of human existence.

Cinvestav apuesta por la recuperación de aguas negras e industriales

  • Fossil fuels: is fueal formed by natural process, although be the most used and cheapest, they're so harmful with environment. Unfortunately they're indispensable for life.

Escalada de los precios de los combustibles fósiles

In spite of consumerism requires using of a lot of fossil fuels, there is an environmentally friendly alternative:

Alternative energy

Solar Power

Solar Power Transformers – Alkargo Transformers

Wind energy

Qué es la energía eólica?

Hydroelectric Energy

Energía hidráulica | Energía renovable

You had better remember be friendly with the environment, being respectful with nature, because you are not the only one living being in the world, you share that with all the persons, and all the plants, and animals in the world. 

You had better remember that the world is our home. Be kindness with our home, there is only one.


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