

Take care of environment, for this we must be aware of the environment, knowing we are not the only one living being in the Earth, and for this all of us had to respect the nature. You can be friendly and respectful with Earth doing three things: Recycle Re-use Reduce Don't be consumerist Dont buy if you dont need it. Buy biodegradable products.

The Greenhouse effect and Global warming

The Greenhouse effect the responsible of life, keep heat necessary for life as well as the gases necessary for life (oxygen) inside the atmosphere. Even althought Greenhouse effect are necessary for life, the amount of gases like methane, CFCs, carbon dioxide, of human activies, cause more the rise Earth temperature.  It also impede UV rays from escaping into space.  When this happens, then, the Greenhouse effect become on Gobal warming. Global warming is harmful for life, is guilty of mealting poles, droughts,  the extinction of plants and animals because their ecosystems are damaged.  Global warming is a big issue which every day close bring near to extinction.   Authorities on the subject said that if mealting poles keep going, the sea level would be rise and flood the part of the Earth.  It's important to be aware of way we're harmful of the environment.

Environmental issues

In this post we're going to learn environmental issues. Environmental issues are harmful consequence of human activities, like product production by big business —which are just looking for money and don't are respectful with environment—, use are means of transport,  construction of cities, houses, buildings, etc. Smog: Smog is air pollution, caused by burning things and using fossil fuels. Today there is so much smog because we live in the era of consumerism and the advance. Acid rain : Is rain with a high pH level, cause of  the accumulation of smog in the atmosphere for human activities. Oil spill: The oil spill is caused by the release of liquid oil into the environment, especially in oceans, this have severely affects ecosystems, human and animal life. Toxic waste: is the realease of liquid with human waste, like feaces or unwanted substances. Is product of human existence. Fossil fuels: is fueal formed by natural process, a lthough be  the most used a...

Endagered species consequence of human's selfishness

The last month in my mom and I were talking about the human's selfishness. We are agree that the human's selfishness destroys families, it destroys people, passing over them and believing that all nature and the world is there to serve it and therefore can destroy it at will. My mom told me that day in the last moth that Human's selfishness is the worst disease in the world. And unfortunely is the awful true: it's the human's selfishness that is ending with the nature, with the animals, because human's selfishness is evil, it used up our empathy and  makes us blind to what surrounds us, and in its blindness, nothing matters, the only thing that matters is making money. In the search for money we affect the environment, and this is why there are endangered species in the world, for example: Etcetera, the list is very long for a single blog.  Is worrying, especially if you know tha t   International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) said that existed 17.000 ...

Be aware of environment

The most part of people, in many times, they forget that cities are not part of the nature, in fact we're so accustomed  to living in cities that we not even think about that there are other parts of nature, but are, and it's the real world. Like: Desert Oasis Jungle Woods Cliff Coast Montain range Valley Polar ice cap Volcano Our job is to protect these ecosystems and animals that live in them. Even thought we don't usually see that part of world, they existis, and needs to be to protected, so if everything you do or stop doing affects them, do things that don't affects them. Be aware and change the world.   Please, be aware of the enviroment. Change begins with you. Thanks for read.